Seasons of Life

Seasons of life


The seasons of life are one of the many things spoken in the book 7 strategies for wealth and happiness. It’s commonly known that we all have four seasons in a year. Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall, and then the year starts again. 

Our life is similar to the seasons. To understand this sentence better, I want you to consider these two phrases from the book. 

‘Life and commerce are like the seasons’


‘You cannot change the seasons, but you can change yourself’

Now that you have read these two phrases, we will now take a look at the seasons of life


A key thought of winter is to learn to handle the winters. Winters are hard to handle, as there are many kinds of winters in life. There are economic, financial, and physical personal winters. This season is mostly associated with disappointment, loneliness, and sadness. When the winter hits hard, people tend to ignore this season of life by looking for the better days, the summer. 

So, the question is; how do we handle the winters? 

Firstly, mature people handle the winters by getting stronger, wiser, and better. So, personal development is a great way to deal with the winters. Mr. Shoaff once said this to Jim Rohn; 

‘Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for fewer problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less of a challenger, wish for more wisdom.’

Therefore, be prepared for the winters. Once the winter is gone, spring comes up.


After the harsh and difficult winter period, follows the opportunities in the spring. A key thought is to learn to take advantage of these opportunities. After all, opportunity comes after difficulty. Especially at this time of the year. 

Either you take advantage of the opportunity or you let go. And we all know what will happen when we let go of these wonderful opportunities. So, get busy in the spring.


The summers are a great time as your success will flourish through the opportunities from springtime. However, as your success grows, many will get in your way. So, a key thought about the summer is that you must learn to nourish and protect it. The truth is that all good will be attacked and that you must learn to defend all of your values.


The season of fall is the time to take responsibility for our actions in the spring and summer. Either you neglected or you attended your duty, you must take full responsibility. A key thought in the fall is to learn to welcome fall without complaint or apology.  

Like the vast majority of people, we love to blame others first instead of reflecting on ourselves when problems occur in our lives. It’s a well common thing that people do. It’s a way to avoid dealing with your responsibilities, but it has nasty consequences in the long term. Bad events and problems often happen, and you can’t really do anything about them. 

If it happens, it happens. 

So, it’s not about what happened, but more about what you’re going to do about it that matters.

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