The two-step process to changing your identity

As James Clear has explained in his book atomic habits. The highest layer of changing your habits is through your identity.
You aren’t born with your identity.
You create your identity, and it emerges out of your habits.
Your identity is the compound experience that you have learned through your life.
And the ultimate form of motivation is when a habit becomes part of you.
Just like a soccer player, a person who played soccer once doesn’t make him a soccer player. However, if he plays soccer for years, he becomes a soccer player.
As you repeat the process, you slowly build and shape your character.
Your identity.
It means that you have to create evidence.
Prove to yourself that you are what you say you are.
As Alex hormozi says, “You don’t become confident by shouting affirmations in the mirror, but by having a stack of undeniable proof that you are who you say you are.”
And according to James Clear, you can change your identity by following the 2-step process.
- Decide the type of person you want to be
- Prove it to yourself with small wins
You decide who you wish to become, but without any proof, the person you stated you are is just a fallacy.
Confidence without evidence is delusion.
So, you can start by asking yourself these three questions to understand more about who you wish to become:
- Who do you wish to become?
- What are your values and principles?
- What are you standing for?
If you are unsure about the type of person you want to become, then try to start with a goal. What do you want to achieve? Do you want to get a six-pack, or have a higher salary?
Your goal is up to you.
You decide who you want to become.
If you already know what you want to achieve, you can ask yourself; which type of person can get the outcome that you want to achieve?
When you can define the person who can achieve your goal. You will know exactly what you have to do to become that person.
You will understand what characteristics should have to get the outcome.
You shift your mindset from outcome-based habit change to identity-based habit change.