Temptation Bundling

As we know from the book atomic habits, making a habit attractive is a key component to creating a lasting habit. It plays a big role in increasing your dopamine level and by making a habit attractive you will be more likely to take action. In this blog, you will understand how you can make habits more attractive by implementing the temptation bundling strategy.
Temptation bundling, derived from the psychology theory known as Premack’s Principle, is a method to make your habits more attractive.
“More probable behaviors will reinforce less probable behaviors”
In other words, link your habit that you need to do with a habit that you want to do.
Create a small rewarding activity for doing the things that you have to do. In this way, you will create a low bar to do the activity.
And there are two ways to implement the temptation bundling strategy;
Temptation Bundling Strategy #1
You can do the activity that you need to do and at the same time do the things that you want to do. Yes, it’s true. Multitasking is an option. [I wouldn’t recommend it if you want to do deep work, however it can be very useful for building habits]
So basically, if you want to do cardio more often, you can do cardio on a stationary bike or a treadmill and watch your favorite series at the same time.
Personally, I prefer to combine high engaging activity with a low engaging activity with this strategy. Combining two high engaging activities will backfire because you will be more focused on one of the two activities.
Same with two low engaging activities. However, in this case, the pressure is too low to even pay attention to the least engaging activity.
Temptation bundling Strategy #2
You can combine habit stacking with temptation bundling. Basically, you can stack the habit that you want to do after you have performed the habit that you need to do. It’s very simple and below you can see the formula for this method.
Formula: After [current habit], I will [habit I need]. After [habit i need], I will [habit I want]
This strategy has been used by millions and you probably have used it before too, unconsciously.
“When I am done with my homework, I can play some games.”
Does this sound familiar? Well, you’re not the only one because that’s what I used to say.