[SEO] This is what I have learned from writing content for a B2B company as a SEO specialist.

In my first year of creating content as a SEO specialist, I didn’t know exactly what the difference was between good content and bad content. I wrote many articles without a clear purpose. I write and write for the sake of getting a higher position on search engines.
Then, one night I read an article about SEO and how important it is to update the content on your website. So, I started reviewing all the articles and to my surprise, I saw that some articles were badly written.
Like really bad.
Even before I worked at this company, there were so many bad articles…
One article stands out among all the blog articles. I will not mention the company or who wrote the article but to give you an idea. Here is an example.
Let’s say the article was about;
How to install an app.
So as many would expect, the content would be about installing an app.
It wasn’t…
Instead of explaining how to install, the article gives tips on how to use the app.
So, it was really confusing to read.
And, this might be an extreme example but it still happens in many cases.
After the shenanigans at work. I researched quite a lot and used my brain to analyze how others create their content. I read blogs from hubspot, semrush, dan koe, and even bought a course from Tamsin Copywriter on Udemy.
Based on the information that I acquired, I crafted this blogpost where I share my experience with writing content.
So, here is a detailed breakdown of my approach to crafting content for both this website and the company where I work.
Step 1: Start with the purpose in mind.
Before I actually write any content, I first have to understand the topic and the purpose of the page.
Once I understand the purpose and gather the necessary information, I’ll note the research in an excel sheet.
Depending on the purpose of the page, I’ll create a clear outline of the content structure. In this stage, it’s essential to anticipate what the audience would like to know.
So if the audience is looking to purchase your product then give them information about the product.
Step 2: Know your audience
It all comes back to the audience. As a content writer you have to know who you are writing the content for because the audience are the ones that are searching for information. They are the ones that have something in their business or personal life that they want to solve. And you have to be the one that helps them overcome that obstacle, by delivering engaging useful content.
“Content writing is about more than just creating pretty sentences. It’s also about telling readers why a topic should matter and how your content can help them improve in certain areas of their lives — work, family, health, or travel. Now, that’s purposeful.” ~ Hubspot
So, how can you create engaging content? Well, it starts with a clear structure.
Step 3: How I create a clear content structure.
I believe a logical structure is a good starting point to create good content. So, what do I mean with logical structure?
Well basically, I ask myself these questions first.
- What problem do I want to solve on this page?
- Which topics are essential to solve the problem?
- What would be the logical order of information that is engaging to the audience?
- And last but not least, what do I want the audience to do after he reads the page.
The page structure or outline organizes the information in a clear way for reader and search engine bots, making it easier to find the right information.
Just like a thesis the content should be organized so people can find the right information in the correct order.
So, don’t start with the conclusion in the intro.
If you have trouble with creating a logical page structure, you can always implement these tactics/formula;
- AIDA Model (Attention > Interest > Desire > Action)
- PAS Model (Problem > Agitate > Solution)
- AIDPPC Model (Attention-Interest-Description-Persuasion-Proof-Close)
There are more types of formulas but these are the most common ones.
Step 4: Write the content
When I write the content I’ll start with the headers first. It’s the title of the page, it’s the subtitle, and it’s the title of the sections. It’s the hook that tells the reader what they can expect on the page or in a section.
And what I find the most important thing when it comes to writing the content is that it needs to be clear.
Normally, when I write content, I want the text to be as concise as possible. I highlight the key information and I try to write it with a few words because most people don’t like to read long format content.
So, be direct and don’t try to be fancy. If the text is too complicated then nobody would understand what you are trying to say.
Alber Einstein once said “If you can’t explain it to a four year old then you don’t understand it yourself.”
It’s the same with writing content. Make it as easy and engaging as possible.
And by easy I don’t mean to write it in a way that people find offensive. So, don’t actually write as if you are telling a story to a toddler. (If your audience are toddlers then it’s okay)
Step 5: Review, publish and update
Whenever I finish writing an article, I would always wait a few hours. I would read the content of web pages out loud and edit when it’s necessary. The reason why I read the content out loud is because it helps me analyze the content for grammar mistakes and I gain deeper insights into its clarity.
Once, everything is done. I would publish the content.
However, do keep in mind. It’s not finished once you have published the content because through the months and years you will gain significantly more insight and knowledge on the topic. So, from time to time you have to update the content based on your acquired knowledge.
It’s the same with this blog. I am writing this blog based on my past experience however as I continuously learn more about writing content, I will gain insights that I don’t have in the present. This in turn can be tremendously valuable for this blog. So, every so often I will come back, review and update in areas where I gained more knowledge.