
Cant make “submit lead form” as account default goal? Google Ads

Recently, I saw that one of my campaigns from my clients didn’t get tracked according to it should be. The conversions didn’t show up in the campaign but when I added the all conv. column it did show the conversion. After long browsing on google. I couldn’t find any useful information about what it could […]

Cant make “submit lead form” as account default goal? Google Ads Meer lezen »


I invested every month in S&P500 and this is what I got in 2 years

I started investing in 2022 after I read the book “7 Strategies for wealth & happiness”. The book taught me many valuable lessons but one stuck with me for years. It’s called the 70/30 rule. Basically, the 70/30 rule states that you have to save 30 percent of your net monthly income and spend only

I invested every month in S&P500 and this is what I got in 2 years Meer lezen »

[SEO] This is what I have learned from writing content for a B2B company as a SEO specialist. 

In my first year of creating content as a SEO specialist, I didn’t know exactly what the difference was between good content and bad content. I wrote many articles without a clear purpose. I write and write for the sake of getting a higher position on search engines.  Then, one night I read an article

[SEO] This is what I have learned from writing content for a B2B company as a SEO specialist.  Meer lezen »

on page optimization | animation

[SEO] This is what I’ll do if I have to start over with on-page optimization

On page optimization, the process of improving the web page and content for search engines and users. It is one of the essential building blocks for SEO and the one that I personally find the most important aspect of SEO. For me, On-page optimization is the bridge that connects potential customers to your product. If

[SEO] This is what I’ll do if I have to start over with on-page optimization Meer lezen »

Goldilocks Rule

Goldilocks Rule

Have you ever wondered why there are divisions in all sports? Some play in high divisions and others in lower divisions.  And the reason why leagues exist is because it gives a degree of competitive balance which makes the game more fun to watch and to play.  The human brian loves a challenge, but only

Goldilocks Rule Meer lezen »

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