Naam auteur: officialhogi

Goldilocks Rule

Goldilocks Rule

Have you ever wondered why there are divisions in all sports? Some play in high divisions and others in lower divisions.  And the reason why leagues exist is because it gives a degree of competitive balance which makes the game more fun to watch and to play.  The human brian loves a challenge, but only

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Habit Contract

Habit Contract

When I was young, I did some tremendous dumb stuff and often enough, I learned through these experiences.  Like drinking boiling hot tea, biking on thin iced rivers and more. And what I have learned from this is that pain is often a very effective teacher.  It taught me that; “The worse the pain is,

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Habit Tracking

Habit Tracking

As the name suggested, Habit tracking is a simple and yet powerful way to measure whether you did the habit or not.  It confronts you with evidence and keeps you honest to yourself.  And according to the book Atomic Habits, tracking your habits leverages multiple laws of behavior change. It makes a behavior more obvious,

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