My New Gym & Diet Plan

In 2023, I tried to get below 8% bodyfat with intermitted fasting and keto diet. Unfortunately, I didn’t achieved my goal due to lack of consistency. And I knew where the problem was. It was in the keto diet.
I didn’t mind intermitted fasting as I only suffered in the first two weeks when I craved food but after a while intermitted fasting became a habit and I still do it till today.
On the other hand, keto dieet was tough…
After a month or 2 into my keto dieet, I felt like I was a walking corpse. I had no energy, always tired and my mood felt like it was stabilized.
I didn’t feel happy or sad. I just didn’t care about anything anymore.
It was tough…
So this year, I will try again but with a sustainable dieet.
For your information
A little background information about me.
Age: 24
Weight: 63.5kg
Lenght: 160cm (5ft2)
Train: 4 a 5 times a week
Started: 2014 till now
Meal Plan
According to, I need 2,000 Cal. intake per day to become shredded. And in the past I avoided carbs like bread, pasta and rice (keto diet)
So, this time I’ll do a combination of Keto and lean meals.
Eventhough, I didn’t achieved my goals with keto diet. I saw huge results from the diet. The only problem was that it wasn’t sustainable for me.
I stopped working on my projects. I felt terrible all the time. And I was always tired.
With my new diet, I will still be doing the intermitted fasting.
So, my meals will be between 12pm and 8pm. And, I created 3 meal varieties for lunch & dinner.
I don’t like eating the same thing everyday. So, this will gives me more options on a weekly basis.
Lunch Meals
Meal 1: [977Cal.]
250gr. Low fat quark
100gr blueberries
1/2 banana
2 kiwi
3 ricewaffels
6 eggs scrambled
100gr spinach
100gr cottage cheese
50gr mushrooms
100gr onion
1 garlic
Meal 2: [1152 Cal.]
400gr. Chicken
500gr. Vegetables
Meal 3: [887cal.]
4 ricewaffels
300gr chickenbreast
200gr paprika
100gr lean grounded beef
2 eggs scrambled
1 eetlepel olive oil
Diner Meals
Meal 1: [968cal.]
100gr rice
50gr brocoli
50gr carrots
300gr chicken breast
1 spoon of olive oil
Meal 2: [951cal.]
300gr. Lean ground beef
100gr. Cooked pasta
400gr. Diced Tomato in can
100gr. Onion
1 garlic
1 spoon olive oil
Meal 3: [930cal.]
300gr salmon
100gr sweet potato
100gr spinach
100gr. Onion
1 garlic
1 spoon olive oil
The Workout Schedule
And for my workout, I will do 2 weeks heavy weight less reps and 2 weeks light weight more reps and repeat it every month and every sunday run of 5km.
Low Weight & high Reps
Chest Workout
4 x 20 benchpress 50kg
4 x 20 incline dumble bench press 16kg
4 x 20 cable fly lowerpress on 7kg per arm
100 pushups
100 situps
Back Workout
4 x 20 lat pulldown 40kg
4 x 20 seated cable rows 40kg
4 x 20 deadlifts 60kg
100 Pull ups
100 hanging leg raises
Shoulder Workout
4 x 20 shoulder press dumbell 14kg
4 x 20 side shoulder dumbell 8kg
4 x 20 back shoulder dumbell 4kg
4 x 20 front shoulder dumbell 8kg
100 Side abs
Legs Workout
4 x 20 legpress 80kg
4 x 20 squats 40kg
4 x 20 hamstring curls with dumbell 10kg
4 x 10 bulgarian split squat 10kg
4 x 20 calf raises 20kg
High Weight & low reps
Chest Workout
4 x 6 benchpress 100kg
4 x 8 incline dumble bench press 32kg
4 x 8 cable fly lowerpress on 12kg per arm
100 pushups
100 situps
Back Workout
4 x 8 lat pulldown 60kg
4 x 8 seated cable rows 60kg
4 x 8 deadlifts 100kg
30 weighted pull ups 5kg
100 hanging leg raises
Shoulder Workout
4 x 8 shoulder press dumbell 24kg
4 x 8 side shoulder dumbell 12kg
4 x 8 back shoulder dumbell 8kg
4 x 8 front shoulder dumbell 12kg
100 Side abs
Legs Workout
4 x 8 legpress 120kg
4 x 8 squats 80kg
4 x 8 hamstring curls with dumbell 16kg
4 x 10 bulgarian split squat 16kg
4 x 10 calf raises 40kg
I’ll start this workout and diet plan in February till June. It is going to be very challenging and tough.